What Makes the EVO ICL Worth the Hype?

If you’ve ever wanted to see without glasses or contact lenses, chances are you’ve heard about vision correction procedures. The most well-known vision correction procedures use a laser, the most notable being LASIK.

However, there are other vision correction options. One procedure that’s growing in popularity is EVO ICL. But is it worth all the hype? Well, according to most patients who’ve had the procedure, it is!

Keep reading to discover what makes the EVO ICL unique and worth the hype!

What is the EVO ICL?

The EVO ICL is an implantable collamer lens that sits in your eye to improve your vision. ICL stands for Implantable Collamer Lens.

The EVO is simply short for evolution, symbolizing that the procedure is the next step in the evolution of vision correction! The EVO ICL is an additive lens, meaning it doesn’t remove your natural lens to correct and improve your vision.

It’s implanted in the eye in front of your natural lens. Once inside, it feels completely natural.

You won’t be able to feel it in your eye, and nobody else will know it’s there once it is implanted. The EVO ICL corrects nearsightedness and mild astigmatism, so most people with refractive errors make great candidates for the procedure. There are also many benefits to choosing the EVO ICL, like:

Minimally Invasive

The EVO ICL procedure is minimally invasive. If you’re nervous about vision correction procedures like LASIK, EVO ICL is less invasive and has a quick recovery. The procedure only makes a small incision into your eye before folding up the EVO ICL, inserting it through the incision, and unfolding and positioning it.  

LASIK and other laser eye procedures use lasers to remove small amounts of corneal tissue. But the EVO ICL doesn’t remove any tissue, making it gentler on the eye.

The EVO ICL also doesn’t require creating a flap in the cornea, which is unsafe for people with thinner corneas. This would mean you’re not a good candidate for a procedure like LASIK.

However, even if you have thinner corneas, you may still be a good candidate for the EVO ICL since no corneal tissue is removed and no flap is created.

Post-Surgical Comfort and Fewer Dry Eye Symptoms

Because the EVO ICL procedure is minimally invasive, recovery is also easier and faster. You’re also much less likely to have dry eye symptoms during recovery because fewer corneal nerves are disturbed, and no tissue from the cornea is removed.

The EVO ICL is also biocompatible with the eye, ensuring the most comfort possible during recovery. It’s made from a material called collamer, which is derived from collagen.

Collagen is a protein that your body naturally produces. Since collamer is so similar to collagen, your body recognizes the lens as a part of the body rather than a foreign material. This makes the EVO ICL comfortable and easily integrates with the eye!

The Only Reversible Vision Correction Procedure

Many patients find the EVO ICL uniquely appealing because it’s the only fully reversible vision correction procedure. The EVO ICL doesn’t permanently change your vision like other laser vision correction procedures.

But you can also choose to have it removed at any time, providing much-needed peace of mind. While LASIK and other laser eye procedures are very safe, there’s no such thing as a surgery with no risk.

However, the risks with EVO ICL are extremely low since it doesn’t permanently change your vision. Instead, it’s an additive lens implant.

Even though you can remove the EVO ICL, most patients are highly satisfied with their results and don’t want to remove it. But knowing it can be removed is comforting.

Amazing Results

The EVO ICL procedure is easy, recovery is easy, and the surgery is reversible, but what is seeing with the EVO ICL really like? Most patients achieve 20/20 vision or better!

EVO ICL gives you incredible vision, allowing you to see clearly without needing glasses or contact lenses. It can also correct more extreme refractive errors.

If you were previously told that your prescription was too strong for LASIK, you may be a better fit for EVO ICL. It can correct more than twice as much nearsightedness as LASIK!

LASIK can correct up to -11.00 diopters of nearsightedness. The EVO ICL can correct up to -23.00 diopters!

This makes the EVO ICL the only vision correction procedure that can fully correct the vision of patients with these higher levels of nearsightedness. Even if your refractive error isn’t extreme, the EVO ICL can give you fantastic vision and total visual freedom!

Visual Freedom

Most people want a vision correction procedure to see without glasses or contact lenses. The EVO ICL can help you do just that! Since the implant gives you amazing vision, you can see without depending on visual aids.

Even though you can remove the EVO ICL, it can also safely stay inside your eye indefinitely. As long as you choose to keep it, you’ll have your visual freedom for years and years to come!

No vision correction procedure can prevent age-related vision loss, but the EVO ICL will help you see clearly until you need another solution. When you get older and need cataract surgery, the EVO ICL can easily be removed along with your natural lens and replaced with an IOL.

Having the EVO ICL now while you’re young sets you up to seamlessly transition to vision correction for cataracts and presbyopia when you get older!

If you’re convinced EVO ICL is worth the hype, it’s time to find out if you’re a good candidate! Schedule your consultation at Williamson Eye Center in Baton Rouge, LA, today!

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