Category: Uncategorized

Researchers Identify 3 New Eye Complications Related To The Zika Virus

Research conducted by scientists studying infants with the Zika virus in Brazil have discovered new dangerous eye complications that can be linked to the virus. These eye complications can lead to possible severe vision loss and even possibly complete vision loss. Three Brazilian infants that have microcephaly—a birth defect caused by Zika that causes shrunken… Read More

How You Should Be Protecting Yourself From The Sun

Do you like to spend a lot of time outdoors? Spending time in the sun, camping, hiking—these are all things that are great outdoors activities, but it is important to make sure you are taking the right steps to protecting yourself from the sun’s rays. Most people know to protect their skin from the sun,… Read More

Dr. Blake Williamson Pioneers New Cataract Technology In Louisiana

Undaunted by the recent destruction of the Denham Springs clinic, Dr. Blake Williamson of the Williamson Eye Center became the first eye physician and cataract surgeon in Louisiana to surgically implant the Tecnis Symfony® Intraocular Lens by Abbott Med Optics. This technology is a new proven treatment for cataracts that has been used in 50… Read More

Study Suggests Women Are More At Risk Of Developing Serious Myopic Complications

A recent study was conducted that determined a large number of adults in America suffered from extreme nearsightedness (myopia)—9.6 million adults to be exact. Of that staggering number, 820,000 of those people suffer from degenerative eye disease and another 41,000 people deal with a serious vision complication which is called myopic choroidal neovascularization—which can cause… Read More

Four Back-To-School Eye Health Recommendations

It is that time of year again! Back-to-School! Millions of parents around the country are rushing to stores to buy all the newest school supplies and outfits. While you are going through your list of school supplies make sure to not skip your child’s eye health. You can’t underestimate the importance of ensuring your children… Read More

Colorblindness: What It Means To Be “Colorblind”

Having poor color vision is a problem that is more common than you would think. Most people refer to having poor color vision as suffering from “colorblindness,” however, there are different levels at which you can be “colorblind.” People who only see in black and white and experience true “colorblindness” are incredibly rare. Colorblindness runs… Read More

Cataracts: Why They Occur And When You Should Call Your Eye Doctor

Cataracts occur when the eyes natural lens becomes clouded with clumped up proteins. These proteins block light as it enters your eye which causes your vision to become gradually more blurry and if left unchecked could result in complete loss of vision. These clouded lenses negatively impact your quality of life by making it difficult… Read More

Glare And Halos: Cause, Effect And Solution

Our ability to see anything is dependent on light, so it is only natural to assume when light is disrupted by a defect on our retina that it would affect our vision. The two most common vision defects people experience are glare and halos. Halos appear as bright circles around sources of light, you will… Read More

3 Non-Hygienic Habits Most Contact Lens Users Develop

Chance are, if you are one of 35+ million contact lens users in America, you were taught all the basics of proper contact lens hygiene when you first received your prescription. There are probably even better odds that you currently aren’t following those contact lens hygiene basics you were taught every single day. Millions of… Read More

Beyond The Cool: How Sunglasses Protect Your Vision

Sunglasses have been synonymous with the idea of “cool” for a long time and it isn’t hard to imagine why. It is hard to picture sunglasses without thinking about Tom Cruise rocking aviators while riding on a motorcycle. Sunglasses have been an important fashion accessory in our society for a long time now, but it… Read More