5 Tips to Protect Your Eyes This Summer
As the weather warms up, visions of sandy beaches, family picnics, and outdoor adventures become reality, but with all that time outside, don’t forget to keep your peepers protected from the serious dangers associated with UV rays. Just as we make the effort to protect our skin from sunburns, we should also make sure that… Read More
April is Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month. Did you know that more women suffer from visual impairments than men? Two thirds of blindness occurs in women, fortunately, 75% of visual impairment is preventable and/or treatable. One reason why women are affected by more eye health issues than men is because they tend to live… Read More
Foods To Help Fight AMD
Age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss for those aged 55 and older in the United States, affecting more than 10 million Americans. Age-related macular degeneration is caused by the deterioration of the central portion of the retina, the inside back layer of the eye that records images and sends them via… Read More