Are you finally going to try out contact lenses? Contact lenses can be a great alternative to traditional glasses.
There are a lot of different kinds of contact lenses to choose from, made from many types of materials and made to be worn for different periods. Your eye doctor will help you determine what kind works best for you.
They’ll begin by fitting you for your first pair and helping you learn how to put them in and take them out. After you leave with your new contact lenses, there’s a bit of a learning curve, but our team will assist you to make the process as easy as possible.
Many people learn by trial and error, but there’s no reason you have to. The first step?
Start by following these tips and the instructions from your eye doctor. Keep reading for 8 tips if you’ve never worn contact lenses before to make the experience easier!
1. Use Plenty of Contact Lens Solution

One of the most important things you must do before putting your contact lenses in is to check that they aren’t too dry. Putting in your contacts with too little solution will dry them out quickly and make your eyes feel irritated, dry, and uncomfortable.
Your contacts should be in enough solution to thoroughly cover them in their case before you put them in. But before you put them in your eyes, saturate them with more contact lens solution in the palm of your clean hand to keep them well lubricated.
They should always be stored in solution to keep them wet and clean.
2. Always Wash Your Hands Before Handling Your Contacts

Whether you’re putting your contacts in or taking them out of your eyes, you must wash your hands before handling them. Although it may seem like a safe alternative, do not put on hand sanitizer before touching your contacts.
The sanitizer, which contains alcohol, may irritate your eyes or cause them to burn if you get it in them accidentally. Only wash your hands with soap and water, and then handle your contacts.
Your eyes are a sensitive organ, and foreign bacteria can be harmful, causing irritation, inflammation, and even infection. To avoid infections, you must ensure your hands are always clean before you put in your contact lenses and take them out.
3. Don’t Wear Contact Lenses for Too Long

There’s a limit to how long you’re supposed to wear your contacts, and the FDA has guidelines on wear time for good reason. Overwearing contact lenses can cause serious infections and complications in your eyes.
Wearing them for more than 12 hours can make your eyes dry and irritated. So, what should you do on the days that go longer than expected?
Maybe you need to work late, you’re traveling, or you’ve decided to go out for the night. In these situations, it’s best to bring your glasses with you.
You’ll be well prepared if you need to take out your contacts when they irritate your eyes after wearing them too long. If you’re experiencing eye irritation, don’t continue wearing your contact lenses.
They may make any feelings of irritation or discomfort feel worse. It’s wisest always to have your glasses on hand if you need to remove your contact lenses for any reason.
4. Remember to Take Them Out Before Bed

One of the things that contact lens wearers must avoid is falling asleep in their contacts. Unless you have a special kind of contact that you’re supposed to sleep in (like those used to correct myopia in children), you should never sleep in contact lenses.
Doing so can dry out your eyes and make them more susceptible to infection. Always remember to take your contact lenses out before going to bed.
The same applies to napping. If you’re going to take a planned nap, it’s in your eyes’ best interest to remove your contact lenses first. Do your best to avoid closing your eyes for an extended time while wearing your contact lenses.
5. Use Only As Long as Recommended
There are many kinds of contact lenses to choose from. One of the most popular kinds for patients is daily contact lenses.

Daily contact lenses are safe and convenient and are only meant to be worn for one day before you dispose of them. You should never reuse daily contact lenses, even if you need to take them out before the end of the day.
These contacts are not meant to go back into your eye after you’ve worn them for a day. If you use weekly or monthly contact lenses, don’t use them for longer than intended.
Using contact lenses longer than they’re designed for can harm your eyes, cause irritation, or an infection. Plan ahead and ensure you have a fresh pair of contacts ready before throwing away your current pair.
6. Keep Them Clean

If you do not wear daily contact lenses, you’ll need to clean your contacts thoroughly with contact solution each time you take them out. Also, you always need to store them in a contact lens case with enough solution to cover each lens completely.
Do not reuse the contact lens solution in your case. Remove the old solution and then refill your case with additional clean solution. Improper cleaning and storage can cause irritation and infection.
7. Have Spares on Hand

If you wear dailies, have some extras on hand. If you wear weeklies or monthlies, you may want to consider buying a few months in advance.
You’ll also want to keep your glasses on hand if a contact accidentally comes out of your eye or you need to remove your contacts unexpectedly. The last thing you want is not to be able to see because you don’t have your glasses.
8. Talk to Your Eye Doctor if You Have Any Concerns

If you have any issues with your contact lenses, don’t hesitate to contact your eye doctor. You should always wear the brand prescribed by your physician as they will select a lens that is just right for your unique eyes. When you first start wearing contact lenses, it may take time to get used to them but you can always contact our team for tips and assistance at 225-924-2020.
After you’ve worn contact lenses for a bit, you’ll get more comfortable with them. Eventually, you won’t even notice you’re wearing them. If you’re struggling to get used to them and your eyes still feel irritated even after using them for a few days, stop using them and call your eye doctor, as you may need different contact lenses.
Do you want more information about contact lenses? Request an appointment at Williamson Eye Center in Baton Rouge, LA, today!