The Danger Diabetes Presents To The Health Of Your Eyes

Extreme close up of a hazel eye.

Diabetes is a growing issue throughout the world, with an estimated 382 million people suffering from it in 2013. If not treated, diabetes can lead to other serious medical complications such as: ischemic heart disease, kidney failure, heart attack, and stroke—but did you know that diabetes can also affect your eyes?

According to the American Optometric Association, diabetic retinopathy is a condition that “causes progressive damage to the retina.” The leading cause of blindness in the United States is attributed to this disease.

If you have diabetic retinopathy it is very difficult to regulate and requires a lot of extra care. Properly adhering to a good diet will help to mitigate the damages to your eyes, but a good diet alone will not be enough to ensure healthy eyes. Just because you aren’t suffering from eye pain, does not mean you don’t need medical attention.

Diabetic retinopathy is unpredictable, making follow-up care all the more important to maintain good visual health. Always be sure to regularly go in for checkups with your eye doctor as symptoms aren’t always easily detected.